Redeeming Sexual Love, Weekly Quotable

Weekly Quotable: I shared this course with my husband every Monday night and just by that communicating, we understand each other much more. –Participant 4F

12 May 2016

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Stitch in Time

I have felt bad that I haven't kept up with our blog or our Facebook posts for the past couple of months. The end of 2014 was a "WHIRRR..." of activity. November to January is always a busy time. Not only because of Christmas, but also in South Africa it's the end of the school year and time for summer holiday. Our ministry schedule is always crazy; on top of the normal happenings of family life, and this year add a wedding! And so our year came to an end. 

Time. Have you ever heard this phrase? "Life is like a roll of toilet paper.  The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes." That's how I've felt the last years, as I've watched our boys becoming men. Then I'm reminded: what is life, but a stitch, when eternity is your timetable? 

It seems like not so long ago that our boys were just brothers and sons.  Suddenly they're uncles and brother-in-laws. They have jobs, and are talking about careers. …. Just a stitch in time. Just a stitch in time, and we're moving toward nine.  (I had to say that 'cause it fit the rhyme … no pressure anyone!) I am so thankful for our family.  I'm thankful for our sons, our daughters, who we have long prayed for, and one grandson. 

Redeeming Sexual Love continues to move forward. The chapters are completed and we are presently working through what we hope is our final editing before seeking publication. We are also working on finishing a Bible study proposal to present to publishers. We're confident that in God's time, this Bible study will be available in a workbook format. Thank you for your interest in our lives and this small outpouring of our journey.

One thing God made very clear to me when I first began to journal and formulate my thoughts regarding what He has taught us is this: relationships are the one thing that will last for eternity -my first priority defined. Anything I accomplish at the expense of the relationships God places in my life, will amount to nothing. God caused me to know that anything valuable will happen according to His timetable, and His priority. And so, relationships come first. Because what is a stitch in time ...when we have eternity?

So I'm thankful for the miracle of life and love that God worked in our lives to bring us to this point in our family, our friendships, and our journey with Him. The God of all creation reached down and touched our lives. Because of His goodness in all things, and His great plan, we praise Him and wait to see the completion all that He has begun.